- Back to School #covidstyleby Angelika RampalAs a long-anticipated return to school is upon us, many of my patients are asking me about COVID prevention. In this post, I will review some must-do items and I will also cover what I am doing for my own three children who will be returning to in-person school after a year and a half.… Read more: Back to School #covidstyle
- Nutrition Tidbitsby Angelika RampalMy office holds clinical meetings once a month. At these, my colleagues and I discuss interesting journal articles, new clinical recommendations, and what we call “clinical pearls.” Clinical pearls are interesting pieces of information or take-home messages that any one of us may have picked up at a recent conference. Last night, I shared some… Read more: Nutrition Tidbits
- Peanuts again. When? Why? Are They Safe?by Angelika RampalNuts have once again made headlines. The good news is that not much has changed over the past few years. These newer guidelines simply give a more active recommendation to go ahead and feed peanuts to higher risk babies, whereas prior statements were more lukewarm, advising that there is no need to delay introduction of… Read more: Peanuts again. When? Why? Are They Safe?
- Stop For a Minute: Making Mindfulness and Gratitude Part of Youby Angelika RampalI recently worked with a most excellent medical student, Karinne Van Groningen. She is the kind of student that practicing physicians love to work with: enthusiastic, bright, and a self-starter. During her rotation with us, she chose a topic and wrote a guest post featured below: “Good morning my Karina!” That was the typical greeting… Read more: Stop For a Minute: Making Mindfulness and Gratitude Part of You
- My Love-Hate Relationship with Antibioticsby Angelika RampalAntibiotics are amazing. They can save lives. They can prevent horrible complications of infections, like rheumatic heart disease as a complication of strep infection. I prescribe antibiotics regularly. However, I also have many conversations about why I do not recommend antibiotics for various illnesses. I have to say, these conversations are generally longer and more difficult than writing a simple… Read more: My Love-Hate Relationship with Antibiotics